Having trouble reading (called Presbyopia) is a natural ageing process that generally starts in your mid-40s.   As the condition progresses, we start to have trouble reading things up close and need to hold things further away.  You may also notice that it takes longer to refocus from near to distance.  This is particularly noticeable on phones.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for presbyopia.   We can however correct the near vision using glasses or contact lenses.


Correcting your near vision using glasses can be in the form of a pair of reading or multifocal/extended focus glasses.   Reading glasses are the simplest option but only correct your vision up close.  Every time you look up the vision is blurry, and you will need to take your glasses off.  Multifocal and extended focus glasses give you much more flexibility providing you with a larger range of vision.

Extended range lenses provide good clear vision when reading and on the computer.  They also enable you to see a few metres away from your desk. General purpose multifocal glasses, give you good distance and near vision.  Which lens is best suited to you depends on the amount of time spent on a computer and your circumstances.   Someone with good distance vision who spends 9 hours a day on the computer would benefit more from a extended range lens rather than a true multifocal lens.

Contact lenses:

Contact lenses are also another good option for some patients.   Contact lenses can provide both distance and near vision and how this is achieved depends on the type of lenses prescribed.  One of the simplest options is monovision.  In this form, the non-dominant eye is given a reading contact lens, and the dominant eye is given a distance lens.   Multifocal contact lenses work differently providing both distance and near vision simultaneously in both eyes.  These lenses can take  a bit more time to adapt too, but give you more natural vision.

Every option has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on your lifestyle, work environment.  Part of the consultation process is to discuss with your optometrist the best options for you.   For more information book and appointment with one of our optometrists.
